Saturday, March 25, 2017

Please…Don’t be Stupid. Running

Lady: I’ve been running and can’t seem to lose weight.

KH: What are you eating?

Discussion over  *This type of person still believes she can out-work her mouth

Lady: I’ve been running and my butt seems to be getting flabbier.

KH: Sprinting?

Lady: No, jogging about 45 minutes to 1 hour 5 times per week

KH: That’s why you butt is getting flabbier. The adaptation to aerobic training is to reduce the size of muscle so that our body becomes more efficient (burning less calories at work and rest). The glutes atrophy (shrink) so that you’re more efficient. Running actually reduces your RMR, making this a very ineffective way of losing weight.

Discussion over  *My comment was calling her baby ugly. Rather than accepting the facts and moving forward with a new specific program, we lash out at the person who trying to give us valuable information…drop the ego and don’t be stupid

Lady: I like how her legs and butt looks. Why doesn’t mine look like that?

KH: What kind of exercise program are you doing?

Lady: Running

KH: Well…She lifts weights. That’s why her legs and butt looks like that. Not only does resistance exercise give you a nice tone look, but the added muscle increases your caloric expenditure at rest. Now you have a body that works for you so that you don’t have to works as much for your body.
Wouldn’t you rather workout less to have more?

Discussion over *A lot of times the person who avoids resistance training is concerned about building big bulky muscles. This is the conundrum of exercise…the very thing we need to be doing to reach our goals seems counterintuitive.

Lady: What about gluten?

KH: (one eye brow cocked)

Discussion over  *Gluten has as much to do with your weight gain as a rear-view mirror has to do with your motors horse power…stop eating so much!

When it comes to exercise and weight loss, emotions typically rule over logic and reason. We continually mistake motion for action with little or no thought of specificity? We think we can participate in any physical activity and a specific action will occur.

I always compare it to studying for an English test and being pissed because you flunked the history test. What were you expecting?

The two key components to “every” successful exercise program are Specificity and Overload. If you want to be a better runner you run. If you what to reshape your body you lift…if you want to lose weight you eat less…if you want to lose FAT you eat balanced meals every three and a half hours.
If you want muscle tone, you have to work the fast twitch fibers (FT). FT fibers are the fibers you see closest to the skin and have the greatest potential for hypertrophy (growth). When you see a tight butt or firm legs, you are seeing a muscle that has been pushed hard with relatively heavy weight for 8-15 reps.  Let me also add that a muscle which is full and toned is a muscle that is saturated with glycogen (carbohydrates).

I hear gasp! The dreaded C word

Shaping and toning your body is simple:

1. Training specificity… (Your goals don’t care about your feelings)

2. You lift weights 8-15 reps to failure. (No light weight high rep stuff…circuit train is not strength training)

3. You have to eat a lot of carbs. (Not donuts, cookies, white bread, or cokes…don’t be stupid)

4. Sufficient protein to repair damaged tissue (1 gram per lb. of lean body mass)

5. Program... 45 minutes of weight training followed by 15 minutes of cardio (at a 70% of your max heart rate) three times per week is all you need to achieve that lean tone body you have been working for.

If you are saying right now, “my body doesn’t work like that” or “I get too muscular”

Please…don’t be stupid!

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