Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hiding Things from Myself

        “Lying to ourselves is more ingrained than lying to others.” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It’s funny sometimes how the most enlightening words can come from such innocent moments.

Kim and I were watching TV this past weekend when a shout came from the back room…

“Mom…have you seen my shoes?”

(Konnor had misplaced his shoes again)

Kim responded…. “No.”

“Dad…have you seen my shoes?”

I responded… “No.” Then I asked, “Why would mom or I know where your shoes are? You were the last to wear them”

Konnor yelled out, “found them”… “They were behind my door”

Konnor came walking through the living room and said, “Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to hide things from myself.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all be so insightful?


danny said...

Konnor has always been deeply interesting and intelligent, athletic and good looking. Ahhh, there's so few of US left. :)

Kelly Hitchcock said...

I hear you :)