Thursday, August 1, 2024


A storm gathers on the horizon

I sense the pressure in the air

Seeking shelter from the chaos

Yet the world remains unaware

For the world is indifferent

Its axis turns without pause

It’s not events that disturb us

But the stories we make our cause

Thoughts give rise to emotions

Emotions dictate our way

We build an image of ourselves

A mask we wear every day

So let go of the narrative

You are not harsh words or fear

Be the observer of your life

Distract the mind, yet be clear

Amygdala's grip can seize us

Thoughts distorted, confused

Remember, what you choose to see

Shapes the world and all its hues

Hear the words and let them flow

To find peace, let knowledge go

To truly live and feel unconfined

All change must come from within the mind

Now you are free

With open eyes and a heart unchained

Though the world may remain the same

Inside, transformation is gained

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