Monday, March 9, 2015


                                   “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”

                                                                                                     - Lao Tzu

“I think, therefore I am” Or ”I am, therefore I think?”
It’s interesting to think about.

I’ve often wondered about the ramifications of what it means to be a conscious creature.

To be human, is to be conscious of a self.

Once self-awareness occurs, he contemplates. 
Once he contemplates, he senses anxiety from our insatiable appetites and our disconcerting impermanence.

Once he senses anxiety, he distorts the reality.

Distorting the reality exposes the yearning and credulity of our species.
Exposing the credulity and yearning of our species brings awareness to the illusion of self.

The illusion of self is the confined space that we inhabit.
The space we inhabit is the consciousness of thought.

The consciousness of thought is the origins of cognition.
The origin of cognition is the beginnings of humanity.

The beginning of humanity is what it means to be conscious of self.
And that’s the ramifications of being a conscious creature.

It’s interesting to think about.

"I think, therefore I am”

“The day you decide you are more interested in being aware of your thoughts than you are in the thoughts themselves - that is the day you will find your way out”   
                                                                                                         ~ Michael Singer










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