Saturday, December 3, 2016

Stop Blaming your Body

Who you are right now is a direct result of your programming. Our brain is our processer. If your computer isn’t processing properly, you don’t change the screen (body) check the processor.

The quality of the processing is dependent upon the input. If the input is flawed…so is the processing
Isn’t it funny how we say, “I want to change my body”…when in fact, it’s not the body that needs changing, it’s our mind. The body is a reflection of the mind…just like the computer screen is reflecting the input.
Think about this…

-Who you are right now is the result of the programs you have received up until now.

-What you want for yourself and from life is the result of those same programs.

-Who you are, starting today, is the result of the new choices you begin to make today.

-What you want out of life (starting today) is up to the choices you decide to make now.

“Whatever can happen at any time can happen today”

Today is the day!