Thursday, December 1, 2011

"I'm going to start a diet"

                                 “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
                                                                                      ~Thomas Paine

Remember when you’re thinking, “I’m going to start a diet”… that most times this has more to do with a change in lifestyle than a change in nutrition. We are always trying to have our diets “fit” our lifestyle, rather than adapting our lifestyle to “fit” our diet.

In one of the most recent studies show people who were 50 pounds overweight (and lost it) only had a 3% success rate in keeping their weight off for a 3 year period.

I believe this is because we look at food as our “only” culprit. We spend so much time micromanaging our calories, carbs, and fats (and workout programs) that we fail to acknowledge that it is our current lifestyle that has us where we are.

(Could you imagine an alcoholic trying to stop drinking… but refusing to stop going to the bar? Probably wouldn’t be very successful)

We all start out creating a lifestyle that eventually defines who we become. These are just a few questions you should consider before focusing on food…

~ What is it about my lifestyle that has me where I’m at?

~ Do I want this lifestyle more than I want to be fit?

~ How realistic is it for me to achieve my goals by continuing to live as I do?

Before changing your diet, remember this…Your current “lifestyle” (money, relationships, food) has been created by your past choices…It is the “new” lifestyle choices you choose today that will create the future you. 

Changing your lifestyle changes your diet.

Changing your diet changes your life.  


Anonymous said...

Nice! I completely agree.

Changing things like:
number of meals eaten out vs cooked in
Keeping healthy food in the house and not junk
making exercise a priority in your schedule
will make a huge difference. And not just "until I lose 50 pounds" it needs to be forever. Your alcoholic analogy is a good one--it's funny because AA has an old saying "If you hang out at a barbershop you're bound to get a haircut." Exactly the same idea that you're change, not diet change.

Kelly Hitchcock said...

Thanks Melissa,

There does seem to be a disconnect between the lifestyle we live and consequences that follow.

It reminds me of..."If you dont like the crop...dont sow the seed"

The crop is a product of the seed...just as our diet is a product of our lifestyle.

Im not sure we're capable of changing the things we prefer? I hope Im wrong.

matt boulter said...


Thanks! Keep up the good work!


BIllie K. Huff said...

Reminds me that the first 3 letters of "diet" are "die." It is all about lifestyle changes and developing new habits!