Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Become the Observer

“Personal awareness precedes personal transformation”

If you’re tired of people, look no further than yourself.

That’s right – take a look at you.

There’s only one person you can change, and that’s you!

Self-awareness is having the ability to step back and see yourself from a distance, to analyze your internal dialogue, and to examine your agendas and expectations.

The most important part (and the hardest part) is to observe all these things from a nonjudgmental perspective. When it comes to personal perspectives we are all guilty of cognitive biases and blind spots that work against our quest for self-knowledge.

Follow these steps:

- Awareness of the internal dialogue

- Clarify and evaluate the thoughts (don't judge)

- Acceptance (change what you can change - let go of what you cannot)

“Know thy self; the unexamined life is not worth living” - Socrates

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