Thursday, July 11, 2024

Woke ?

Proudly, we say we're smarter

Boast of our many responsibilities

Yet, we crave to work less and have more

Riding the wave of yesterday's industrious societies

The truth is we're not wiser

We deflect responsibility

Entitled, we stand

Woke? Oh, the irony

Does age bring wisdom?

Today’s youth refuse to wait in line

They deem themselves more intelligent

A sophisticated kind of mind

So they judge

Screaming at the top of their lungs

Virtually canceling you

Piously thinking they’ve won

If they win the battle

They will lose the war

Cornered by their own actions

It's like being in a room with no door

Like a snake eating its own tail

They’ve become what they despise

Be careful what you wish for

Never mistake passionate emotions as being wise

So, when you think you have all the answers

You refer to yourself as caring and great

Let us hope this is part of the process

Perhaps you have to be woke before you awake?

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